Episode 3: Facts

Early Race Wars in the City of Angels

Part 1: The Background

  • LA has always been diverse but diversity didn't always mean equality

  • Tensions began with Spanish conquest of native Tongva people

  • The Gold Rush led to influx of Chinese and Irish immigrants facing prejudice

  • Violence increased with invention of revolver and lawlessness in the city

Part 2: Vigilante Rule

  • Only 6 police for 5000 people led to groups like LA Rangers taking law into their own hands

  • Rangers targeted Latinos and Tongva, leading to retaliation from Latino "banditos"

  • Chinese immigrants faced rejection and turned to Tongs, local chinese community groups, for support.

Part 3: Tong Wars & 1871 Massacre

  • Tongs, due to limited economic opportunity, eventually relied on running gambling halls, opium dens, and prostitution.

  • Rivalry between Tong factions led to shootout over a woman.

  • A mob of 500 whites attacked Chinatown after a white officer and businessman were caught in the midst of the shootout and killed.

  • 19 Chinese lynched, 10% of Chinese population in the city at the time

  • 1906 earthquake diminished Tong violence as they moved to legitimate businesses

Key Themes:

  • Racism and lack of opportunities led marginalized groups to illegal activities

  • Cycles of violence emerged from tensions between ethnic groups

  • Massacre set stage for future race riots in LA's history